Project Services

  • Information Architecture
  • UI/UX
  • Design & Development
  • WordPress

Awards & Recognition

Supporting the Gluten Free Community.

The National Celiac Association has a long-time partnership with the Harvard Medical School Celiac Research Program. This foundation has been built to help individuals and their families thrive with these important features.

  • Newly diagnosed people can learn the facts about celiac disease.
  • Searchable database of restaurants with gluten-free menus.
  • Filterable gluten-free recipes.
  • Searchable “Ask the Experts” area with FAQs.
  • Comprehensive collection of gluten-free resources.

Membership-Based Content

Most content on the site is free for all, but some e-commerce options have different pricing depending on membership status. Metropolis successfully imported all users and subscription statuses. The WooCommerce store shows different pricing when a member is logged in.


The recipe section needed a major upgrade since the tool they were using was no longer supported. We were able to migrate their content into a different tool by doing some custom database work.  Recipes can be filtered and sorted by category and ingredients. They can also recalculate the ingredient amounts based on serving size options.

Searchable FAQs

The “Ask an Expert” section is a large database of questions answered by professional doctors and nutritionists. We were able to import the data from the old site and assign new taxonomy to offer a robust user experience.

Find a Dietitian

There are three areas on the site that use this third-party location-finder tool; Find a Dietician, Find a Food Bank, and Find a Restaurant. Data was ported over from the old site successfully, and the tool was integrated into the new design.

Every website design starts with a set of wireframes to help us better understand what content is needed on each page. A good page design should tell a story in the right order. Size and position help set the hierarchy of how the content will be consumed. The bulk of the site’s structure happens in these blueprints before we move on to the color design mockups.

The Results

The National Celiac Association’s website relaunch offers a wealth of resources and comprehensive information on Celiac Disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivities. The incorporation of user engagement features, like the Signs & Symptoms Body Scanner on the homepage, ensures that individuals of all technological skill levels can uniquely absorb information. With full control over website management, including the ability to generate new pages and edit existing content, NCA is better equipped than ever to serve its community.


Awards & Recognition

  • Best CSS Awards – Featured Website
  • CSS Design Awards – Special Kudos Award, Best UI Design, Best UX Design and Best Innovation
  • CSS Light – Featured Website
  • CSS Winner – Nominee
  • Design Nominees – Featured Website

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