Website design is an art. Website development is technology. Often the two don’t connect on a site. Great websites combine layout, imagery, and type with technology to deliver clear, concise and compelling messaging.
Stop reading for 4 seconds. Take a look a your (or any website). Put it to a test.
The 4 Second, 4 W Test:
1. Who are you? Is the logo or company name legible and prominently placed?
2. What do you do? What’s your message/tag line? Short and to the point — quicker than even an elevator pitch. Avoid marketing jargon and boil your unique value proposition down to a few engaging words.
3. Where. Hello SEO! Let search engines know where you are by listing your industry or target audience specific key words. Hint: This will also help convert viewers to buyers.
4. When should I do anything with the info I just learned? Umm, today please! Add a prominent call to action. Get started now. Contact us today. Have a rep contact me now. (Add your phone # and an email address here too!)
Time’s up! Did the site pass the 4 W’s, or after 4 seconds were you left wondering who, what where and when? But wait, there’s more! Did you have to wait for a huge or ugly flash animation to load, or even worse, an annoying talking website actor barking about quality, comfort and price?
Actually, your site might not be that bad after all. Website design and development were divorced before before starting the Rocky Creek ATV Trail site.
So, what sites have you seen that don’t pass the 4 W test (reply via comment box below)? I could list 10 in 10 minutes. Don’t get me started.
PS. Give your site a second opinion. A Metropolis Creative designer will put your website to the 4 W Test and reply with results to see if you make the grade. Send an email with “4 W Test” in the subject line to: