The Community Roundtable connects clients with the people and ideas that help them build and grow successful communities with their customers, employees, and partners. Their clients are community, social media and social business leaders focused on the challenges of making their organizations more human and collaborative. The Community Roundtable helps and works with many companies including Autodesk, Walgreens, Nike, and Google.


The main goals for this website redesign were to highlight the companies who have joined the Community Roundtable, acknowledge that companies may join at different stages of social community growth, and to ultimately encourage additional companies to join. The site’s content tells a story of your journey through community management.

The website design organized content more clearly. It’s difficult to present multiple ideas in one layout, but necessary to funnel visitors to the different areas of a web site. The Community Roundtable asked for the ability to update content, images, events, and articles themselves. All content is now easily managed via a custom WordPress template and back end.

Check out the new website design!